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First Time Trying Adams



Made my first order with Adams during the Labor Day sale and was able to try out a few products.


I washed both my car and truck then used my blower to dry off them. First off I got to use the Detail Spray. It does make the paint slick and you do get the gloss that you want and it smells really good. It was kind of humid both during the evening and this morning but no streaking which was nice to see.


I have watched the videos and read where most people like to use this as a drying aid. This is really good detail spray and the other detail sprays that I have done that with in the past I tend to use more because if the vehicle has water on it I feel I am going to be diluting the detail spray. I do have some detail sprays I don’t mind doing that with but this one does not fall in that group.


I also got to try out the Buttery Wax with yellow hex applicator. I only did the tailgate on my truck so it didn’t take long at all. It was ready to come off pretty quick and no dusting. This is my first time using an applicator pad like this and I will be getting some more of these for sealants when I don’t feel like getting the buffer out. I really do not like waxes since they don’t last very long but I may use this when it starts cooling off.


I still have some more Adams products that I ordered that I have to use and am looking forward to that since the first ones worked so well.


For the APC it looks like 1:1 works well do you all agree with that?

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Sounds like you have a great start going for you!!


As for your question regarding APC, yes 1:1 works quite well, and its always best to start least aggressive first. So try it out at 1:1, and if you need more cleaning ability, go for it at full strength. Be sure to test it out on an unnoticeable area first though!

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