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Black out - Anthony

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hi, I remember that some of you wanted to see come to Normandie landing beaches and museums.
I go this week. this is impressive, it's scary, bunkers on the dunes are very numerous and are broke. there are some death machine and are full of impact and you can see the impact on the concrete bunkers. it's scary.
The American cemetery is great.
must be minimum 3 days to see everything.
must start by" Omaha beach" and the museum Overlord, and all the muséums and beachs  that inspired you, then "La Pointe du Hoc", cemeteries, and finally the cinema of Arromanches 360 °.
making visits in the order you go up in power and it is more and more afraid. the cinema 360 summarizes the landing with images, video and sound amazing and very impressive bands.
has said that, "thank you"
we learn all this at school but is too young to understand and get involved. when you're an adult and you're on the spot, this is impressive. this is terrible. you see pictures of nearby after the battle. there is nothing.
the German cemetery is shabby and there are only 28 spaces parcking, while the American cemetery several hundred square parcking, so there are tourists


Thank you for reading. and a big thank you for the Rangers of alls nations for the sacrifice.



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I was there a few years ago and it's absolutely amazing and humbling to stand on that ground. 




These are not "hills". This was originally the high ground over the cliffs; the divots are craters from Allied shells. 





Imagine climbing up these cliffs, as the US Rangers did, while under fire.




German fortifications are all over at Point du Hoc




This is just a small section of the cemetery. It is considered US soil. 




Nearby in the town of Caen (if I recall correctly) is a really good WWII museum. It's very interesting to be there and see the event presented from a more worldly view, not just an American POV. 

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