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If you got a dirty loaner car, could you resist not detailing it?


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I just got a loaner car from my dealer while my car is in there getting a couple things addressed.  The loaner car is a 2013 model with 10,000 miles.  By our standards, its interior is dirty (not damaged, just dirty).  I might have it overnight as they may have to order parts for my vehicle that won't arrive until the next day.


If you were in my position, would you clean it?  At least wipe it down?  Am I wrong for wanting to do so? LOL


Happy Monday!

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I wouldn't waste product on a rental or a loaner.  If I felt dirty in it, I'd wipe it down and that's it.  The dealership I work at washes the loaners before they go back out again if they are dirty.  Usually a few months later, dealerships turn around and sell those loaner cars used, so it would make sense to keep them maintained.


Also, he said loaner not rental, he likely has the car for free with the only cost being to return with as much fuel as they gave it to him with.

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I'm guilty of detailing rental cars... usually results in a really odd return process too b/c they think you're trying to hide something LOL 



I have been known to do this too  :help:

On one rental a few months ago, after washing it the white paint has visible spots of iron. So I used it as a test for me in using DWC to decontaminate the paint. Loved the results and posted a few pics here.


Nothing wrong with wanting to clean up a rental, after all, your reputation is on the line. What do you want to be seen in?  :willy:

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Funny this came up because I have a rental F-150 XLT while my Mustang is in the body shop for fresh pant. I pulled out my fresh order of DWC and wheel woolies to try them out. I doubt I'll do a full blown detail since I don't have the spare time though. If I hadn't been working on my Xtreme over the weekend it probably would have happened. I asked the guy what they would do if I brought back cleaner than I took it and he blatantly told me he would give me a thumbs up.

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Last year after my wife and Bambi had a run in I washed, clayed and waxed the Nissan DeathTrap, er Versa that the insurance company arranged.


When I had my collision a few winters ago the owner of the company I work for gave me the keys to the company errand runner for almost a month. I repaid him by using my own gas and detailing the vehicle. I returned it spotless and with swirl free paint.



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I don't and wouldn't detail any car that was given to me as a loaner or a rental.  I guess I'am numb to having a dirty, swirled up ride from being in the car that I drive everyday at work.  It is only a couple years old loaded with dust and swirled up.  Funny thing is I have people stop me and tell me how nice it looks, and if it is new and how long I have had it...lol.  I do however ask the car washers to squirt out the interior on occasion.  More so in the winter, due to all the mud that seems to come along with the snow on the bottom of my shoe.  They don't do near the job I would do if I could do it, but it works.  


The worst part about it is when I come back from vacation it is trashed.  Loaded with garbage and one time both front shocks where busted.  The first time I went on vacation, after having the new one issued to me, I made it known to some to notice the right side how nice it looked, not one tree limb scratch.  I come back and it was trashed, by my standards.    

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Dirty windows bug me the most. I have had rentals that I HAD to clean just to tolerate driving it. I don't get too carried away unless I'm at home. On business I just try and find teh best car wash I can.


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If i got a loaner or rental I would touch it up a bit. How could I not? They're the fastest cars in world ;)

That's why you always get the insurance hahaha.

I have taken one and pressure washed it and vacuumed this was in the middle of winter after some snow though and the salt was driving me crazy.

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only time I have done that was when the dealership did warranty type work for me without charging me, my warranty was up.  So since they saved me around $1800 bucks I decided to give them a surprise when I returned their car. If ever getting over the top service from a detailer you gotta return the favor somehow, cause that rarely if ever happens.

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  • 8 months later...

I'm in a pretty nice 2014 Barcelona Red Camry SE rental this week.  The obsessive compulsive in me wants to correctly clean and detail this car, as there are plenty of automatic car wash swirls and water spots in the areas the car wash can't get too.  But I'm away from home and away from my Adam's arsenal.  


Oh, and the tires are really brown!

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Doesn't bother me at all.  In a dirty loaner car, that doesn't bead at all this week.  Away from all my supplies anyhow.  Drive a dirty loaner car all the time at work that I have absolutely no control over anyhow.  So that probably plays a huge roll in my ability to block stuff like that out. 

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I've done it.  Guy ran a red light and hit my wife a couple years ago and we got a standard Impala as a rental.  We were leaving in two days for the beach for a week. I wasn't driving that dirty car.  It got washed and detailed. I have my standards.  :D

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