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Water spots on chrome wheels



Hello Adam's Forum'ers.


I'm having an issue with water spots on the chrome wheels on my GMC Sierra. Unfortunately, the issue is where I have to park... I don't have a driveway to park in and my lovely neighbor doesn't like my trucks... Every time I park anywhere near her house she likes to turn her sprinklers on. 


So as can be expected my chrome wheels look terrible...






I can remove the water spots after a good bit of elbow grease. But as soon as the sprinklers come on, all the work goes down the drain. Is there any way to help repel the water on the chrome? I know wax on painted surfaces will help but not sure about chrome. I really don't like having to do this on a weekly basis... Any suggestions?


Thanks everyone.

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9 answers to this question

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Go to Home Cheapo and buy a can of PVC cement and pour it all over the "offending" sprinkler head OR go out every morning and blow the water off the wheels with a loud gas leaf blower..... She will eventually get the message.

You can clean the wheels with Green Wheel Cleaner the use some Quick Sealant...... Temporary fix.

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Either cut that hose.  Kill your neighbor.  Or move.


That's gonna cause damage in the long run.  HARD water = the DEVIL.  Metal Polish #1 will clean them up MUCH easier than anything else.  Especially with the 4" focus pad & drill.  Quick Sealant for protection.


But as for a bigger problem....this could do SEVERE damage to your PAINT!!!  Until you can come to terms with your idiot neighbor......STAY AWAY bro.  Or you're gonna have a much bigger headache.

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Quick Sealant would work well for that.  And also scissors to cut your neighbors hose. 



what product did you use to get the water spots out? looks damn good.



Go to Home Cheapo and buy a can of PVC cement and pour it all over the "offending" sprinkler head OR go out every morning and blow the water off the wheels with a loud gas leaf blower..... She will eventually get the message.

You can clean the wheels with Green Wheel Cleaner the use some Quick Sealant...... Temporary fix.



Either cut that hose.  Kill your neighbor.  Or move.


That's gonna cause damage in the long run.  HARD water = the DEVIL.  Metal Polish #1 will clean them up MUCH easier than anything else.  Especially with the 4" focus pad & drill.  Quick Sealant for protection.


But as for a bigger problem....this could do SEVERE damage to your PAINT!!!  Until you can come to terms with your idiot neighbor......STAY AWAY bro.  Or you're gonna have a much bigger headache.


So kill her. Sounds easy enough lol. 


I can't stand how some people just have to be dicks...


The Revive Hand Polish is what I used on them the first time and it worked pretty well. I'm definitely going to try the quick sealant.


I know the hard water's really bad for it. My Dark Gray Silverado has the bedside to prove it....


You all will be pleased to know that she just put her house up for sale on Friday!   :lol:

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I know this is a bit off topic, but I am curious.


Is rain water considered hard water? I live in BC, Canada, and it rains 7 months of the year here. Right now I have no storage solution for my truck, so it lives outside all year long.


Can I expect a trashed paint job in a few years?


Rain water is soft.


If you take care of your car and you continue to protect it, your car should be fine.


People have been known to go out and wash their car in the rain during a drought and/or water restrictions.

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