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Birthday specials?


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Unfortunately we had to stop it. A few less scrupulous people were taking advantage by creating multiple accounts with different birthdays to get the discount multiple times. 


It sucks when a few dishonest people ruin it for the group... which is why I'm working on a different system for this. Just trying to figure out a way to keep people from exploiting it. 

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Unbelievable.  Really?  Just to save a couple of dollars you have to lower yourself to cheating? 


Unfortunately we had to stop it. A few less scrupulous people were taking advantage by creating multiple accounts with different birthdays to get the discount multiple times. 


It sucks when a few dishonest people ruin it for the group... which is why I'm working on a different system for this. Just trying to figure out a way to keep people from exploiting it. 

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As I've learned... people will go to some pretty crazy lengths to save any amount of money... even if its just a buck. Sad really.


I've been in retail a long time and agree with you 100%. Sometimes I think it's a sickness or somebody trying to get away with something instead of just greed. People do strange things!!

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Maybe they need to be a member for over a year before the discount kicks in.  You could also add that they must have made 5 previous orders or orders worth X number of dollars before being given their code.  


Anyone that has used any of the products would make 4 more orders in a year and spend at least $500. 

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Don't worry guys... we will find a system that solves this problem, among others. 


A loyalty program has been one thats been requested for some time, and while it won't be a points system, it will be a special "club" that grants you access to the birthday discount as well as pre-sales on new products, chances to test products before they're released, early announcement of sales, and other benefits. 


Be patient... things like this don't happen overnight, but we are working on it. 

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i'm a big believer in karma. i would put the program back and let karma sort it out.


karma logic = those that lie about more than one birthday will wind up with none - dead!

No just trying to "stir the pot" (see what I did there :P) but true karma only applies to the next life.

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