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Pad Drier



My other hobby is building models, and a guy I know made a paint drying booth out of a food dehydrator. I was working on my Fiancee's Escape all week with the new 2 step Microfiber pads and I decided I better clean them before I used them again tomorrow on my SHO to finish that up. 


Anyways, I knew if I let them air dry, they wouldn't be ready for me in the AM after breakfast. Then the light bulb went off...I decided that I'd try putting them into my paint drying booth I made from a food dehydrator...basically its a crate that has painters tape covering up most of the holes on it, a USPS box with circle cut out to fit the top the dehydrator into. The dehydrator is basically a hair dryer and it raises up the temp inside the box to about 125 degrees and dries out whatever water is in the air also. its also not hot enough to damage the pads either.


I cleaned the microfiber pads with some APC (which is also a great paint stripper for acrylic model paint) and water. I wringed them out the best I could then placed them inside the paint drying booth on top of a small plastic cup so air could circulate around them. I left them in there for about 2 hours and when I took them out they where just about completely dry. 


I'll post some photos of my setup later today (its after midnight now) if your interested, but this is the food dehydrator I'm using:



I'm just using the white thing on top, and got rid of the rest of it since I'll never make jerky or whatever with it..



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