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Buying Flex Question



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I love the Flex and was going to sell my PC.... But I decided to convert the PC to use focus pads. The PC does a great job with the smaller pads. It seems to have enough power to better rotate the small pad. So the flex is my main tool and tight spots and minor scuffs get the PC.

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I love the Flex and was going to sell my PC.... But I decided to convert the PC to use focus pads. The PC does a great job with the smaller pads. It seems to have enough power to better rotate the small pad. So the flex is my main tool and tight spots and minor scuffs get the PC.


That is my plan as soon as I get a Flex.

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I tried the Cyclo, nice machine but the FLEX is the best and most powerful IMHO......... I very seldom use my PC 7424 anymore.

After trying the Cyclo, would you sell the PC and get the Cyclo or just keep the PC with focus pads?

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I use the PC just for my 4" focus pads...... Works great in tight areas like bumpers, door handles areas, etc. It is nice to have two types of polishers that speeds the detail process.

I used the Flex this afternoon and it is powerful so it gets the job done without a lot of work.

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I use the PC just for my 4" focus pads...... Works great in tight areas like bumpers, door handles areas, etc. It is nice to have two types of polishers that speeds the detail process.

I used the Flex this afternoon and it is powerful so it gets the job done without a lot of work.


Sounds good.


But still, I think Ron's question is more toward PC and Cyclo.



After trying the Cyclo, would you sell the PC and get the Cyclo or just keep the PC with focus pads?


In other words, would you stick it out with the PC if you already own it or would you replace it with a Cyclo? Thanks.

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The Cyclo (great machine) is not for me..... Like I said: the Flex is my main polisher and I use the PC with focus pads for the small areas. If you already have a PC I suggest keeping it (for the 4" pads or applying glaze/waxes with larger pads) and jump up to a Flex polisher for a real time saver, you will not be sorry.

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Charlie, thanks for the update I appreciate your advice based on experience. Will follow suit as I have the PC and Flex so should be covered.


Need to heat the garage as winter decided to visit tonight in MN.

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