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JJ Stin

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i pre-ordered it. i used to be a huge gamer in college, but grew less and less interested in it the past 4 years i've been out. i maybe play 1 or 2 games a year (beat them and re-sell them). i have a feeling i'll be hooked on this one for awhile... it might break my 6 year old PS3

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Just picked it up on my way home from classes tonight.


My brother demanded he play it tonight since he has to work tomorrow and I don't. Haha.


I have loved all of the REAL GTA's they've come out with. By real I mean GTA 3, San Andreas, Vice City, and GTA IV. This game seems that it will be absolutely amazing!

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I bought it on release day, only got about 2hrs of seat time in on it, and while it is so impressive, the start is a bit slow if you follow the missions.  I struggle with the driving function in the game, likely user error, but i find it extremely sensitive and i keep wrecking because i take corners way too sharply. Sucks when the cops are on you.  I will get used to it though with more time playing.


I love the characters so far, and i love how it makes you feel like you are controlling a movie from 3 different angles.  The story is setting up to be a great one.

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  • 2 weeks later...

been playing this for a while now just trying to finish out 100% then BAM got into a closed beta.  GTA V is awesome fun.  Saw a video today of a guy cheat spawning massive amounts of cars then blowing them up might have to try that soon :P

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I think i am at about 40% of the game play.  Some of the missions are truely awesome.  Had some friends over on sunday, and we easily killed 2 hours doing random stuff in the game.  Golf, Tennis, jumping cars, stealing fire trucks/planes, etc.


I haven't been to the prison yet, I think tonight I'm going to venture over there and likely get killed by some guards.

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