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Any tips on removing "deep" scratches?



Any of you guys have good tips on removing fingernail deep scratches?

down to the primer pretty much.. i hear touch up paint, but it doesnt match as good as i want. 

its rear quarter panel so can really take it off and repaint that one piece haha


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Probably not the best choice of language...


There really aren't any secrets - success in detailing is just method and experience...only one of those is easy to share, though.  I have a vandalized car coming to me early next week with two pretty deep scratches...if I have enough time I'll do a full step-by-step write up on how I take care of scratches that are a little too deep to be fully removed, but can still be disguised. 

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Probably not the best choice of language...


There really aren't any secrets - success in detailing is just method and experience...only one of those is easy to share, though.  I have a vandalized car coming to me early next week with two pretty deep scratches...if I have enough time I'll do a full step-by-step write up on how I take care of scratches that are a little too deep to be fully removed, but can still be disguised. 

Thanks that would be very much appreciated!

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