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Oil residue on glass?



So, basically my car popped an AC line and apparently some of the oil/refrigerant mix must have made it's way from the engine bay in to the vents and accumulated on the inside of the windshield just from regular use of the AC after repairing the line. 


So, when I try to clean the window I am left with a "sheen" from the oil residue that's being a real pain to get off. I've tried glass cleaner and rubbing alcohol to no avail. 


So my next step is maybe a mixture of Dawn and water but I am wondering if someone has any tips on something else that will break down the oil and be easier to deal with than soap/water and a sponge. 

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If it were me, I would try the All Purpose Cleaner.  I would spray a paper towel itself as opposed to the windshield.  After doing that a couple of times I would then do the same with plain water to remove any APC residue.  Then hit it with glass cleaner.

Edited by LFairbanks
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I had something on the windshield of my new Malibu that wouldn't come off this past weekend. Glass cleaner, nope; APC, nope; clay, nope. Got ahold of Mook and he suggested polishing the glass using a microfiber pad and paint correcting polish, that did the trick. He said if that didn't work to try denatured alcohol.

Edited by BRZN
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