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Customer Service 866.965.0400

Newbie from the Monterey Bay Area (Ca.)


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Welcome to the forum. As a former "black" owner, I can tell you that I never (well, only once or twice) used a machine on mine. Hand polish all the way. Revive, Swirl and Haze Remover, Brilliant Glaze, and Americana or Buttery Wax are a black cars best friends.

That's a beauty too!

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Thank you for the input guys. After searching the machine polish forum, I am just guessing but, I think you guys would refer to it as hazing. It looks like swirls of product left behind, not scratches, if that's what micromarring looks like. I'm still learning the correct phrases here. If I can't polish it out, I will post a thread with pics on the machine polishing forum. Thank you again for your input, it is much appreciated.

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Thank you for the input guys. After searching the machine polish forum, I am just guessing but, I think you guys would refer to it as hazing. It looks like swirls of product left behind, not scratches, if that's what micromarring looks like. I'm still learning the correct phrases here. If I can't polish it out, I will post a thread with pics on the machine polishing forum. Thank you again for your input, it is much appreciated.

Hit the spots with some DS and wipe. If you see it coming off then its leftover product. It sounds more like you're possibly not working the PFP long enough. If you're using the MF pads you could also try stepping down to the white foam pad with the PFP to see if it finishes better.

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  • 8 months later...

Hit the spots with some DS and wipe. If you see it coming off then its leftover product. It sounds more like you're possibly not working the PFP long enough. If you're using the MF pads you could also try stepping down to the white foam pad with the PFP to see if it finishes better.


Sorry for the SO late reply.

Don Juan nailed it. The "swirls" cleaned up with detail spray.

I'm not a dumbass. It was late and I was tired. That's my story and I'm stickin' to it. Lol.

I went from claying the entire car, to multiple levels of polishing to glaze to waxing.

Here's a recent pic from Goodguys Pleasanton. Paint looks AWESOME!

If I can do this, ANYONE can!

THANK YOU guys again for your replies and help!








Edited by HotRodDaddy-O
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