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Clay bar too harsh?



Hi Folks

I have the older adams blue clay bar. It worked fantastic on my Superduty truck. However my wife's Infinity's CC is a lot softer and the bar dulls it up pretty bad. I had heard there are different degrees of harshness. Is there a less harsh bar then the blue? Trying to remove severe water spots.




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The blue was still a fine grade bar so lots of marring would be very unusual. That being said, the bar had to be pretty old... we haven't sold a blue one for some time now. Theres a good chance it was old/dried out or just past its useful life (contaminated) and ready to be replaced.


Possibly. It worked very well on my Ford Truck but caused a dullness on my wife's car. It was old but the portion I used on her car was still unused and still wrapped in plastic. In any case I ordered a new one and expect that I still will have to polish out the remaining water spots. But man does her paint have a contaminant issue. It needs to be clayed bad!


I think she will be pleased when it's completed. Better then when she bought it.

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