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Customer Service 866.965.0400

Those red bottle plugs


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I know that those red bottle plugs can sometimes be a pain, but I sure am thankful for them. I received my order yesterday which included, among other things, a bottle of SVRT. The black outer cap was broken (no big deal, I have plenty ), but that little red plug was still intact and kept the product from spilling out and possibly damaging the other items I bought. Won't be complaining about them anymore.

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Now if everybody would use those red caps or something similar when they shipped liquids.  It also prevents damage to others packages.  Had a lady who had a leaker and I got chewed out about it, and how we throw boxes.  There was no damage to the outside of the package and I suspected a loose lid.  The only reason I delivered it was that I knew it was medication.  Went back days later and asked if she figured out why the one was leaking.  Her response "loose lid".  

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