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Guitar Amp Recommendations


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My wife decided it would be 'nice' of her to purchase me a new guitar last night. She went all out and ordered a Les Paul that I've been talking about since the first time I picked up a guitar. I've been playing acoustics for the better part of 10 years, but this is my first electric, so I need a little help.

Any recommendations on a good amp? This is solely for my own enjoyment in my home, so I'm not looking to go full or even half stack. A nice combo amp is fine with/for me. Looking for recommendations on driver size and power as well. I was looking last night and realized I'm in way over my head.

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That will help confuse you more.

Thanks Jim. Trust me, I don't need any help this time (getting confused that is), but I'll see how much of that I can digest before giving up. The last thing I want to do is go pick up this guitar and ask the guy, so....what amp should I play this thing through? He's either going to laugh at me and sell something I don't need, or take it back and tell me I'm not worthy, and banish me from the store.

Edited by 02Xtreme07ss
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Sounds like your wife is a keeper!


Yup, she's definitely a keeper. She did warn me though...she put me on notice that if I was ever dumb enough to screw up our happily married life, she's taking the guitar and the rings and she's not looking back. At least she didn't mention the trucks! Just kidding. She has nothing to worry about, ever.

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