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towel washing



what do you guys and girls out there wash your waterless towels with? regular wash cycle with other items, by themselves, (like I do with my microfiber towels),regular detergent, woolite, warm water??? Just looking to see what you guys do.Thanks. :)  

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9 answers to this question

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I wash all my non-fluffy MF together by themselves (WCW towels, Great White, utility, metal polishing). I put them on the delicate cycle with warm water, extra rinse, and low spin using MFR as my detergent. I have a new HE washer though so I can dial in every step of the wash.

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I like to split them up as well, but have mixed them together if the WW towels aren't too dirty.  


Sometimes I hand wash them because I don't have enough to make a load.


I have an HE washer too, and I'd love to have my old washer back.  Sorry, but the old school washers do a better job agitating IMO.


I use Adams Micro Fiber Revitalizer and use warm or hot water to help cut the oils.  

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Why do you use the "Tide"?  


I use maybe 2oz of just the MFR and they come out completely clean.  


I do spot spray the really bad spots however.


Because that's what we gave in the house. Seriously, before there was microfiber revitalizer all I used was detergent. I guess I still do out of habit.

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I like to split them up as well, but have mixed them together if the WW towels aren't too dirty.


Sometimes I hand wash them because I don't have enough to make a load.


I have an HE washer too, and I'd love to have my old washer back. Sorry, but the old school washers do a better job agitating IMO.


I use Adams Micro Fiber Revitalizer and use warm or hot water to help cut the oils.

I can see your point on the agitation but I also pre-soak my towels with some APC and water in a five gallon bucket, and pre-treat before they go in the washer. I don't rinse them when moving from one step to the next to keep the whole towel treated with what is sure to be a trace amount of APC. Has worked very well for me so far.

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