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26 year old window rubber molding



I have an '87 Porsche 944 Turbo. After watching Adam dress some window trim rubber (can't find the video now) I decided to give mine the same treatment.


I used APC on a microfiber towel and started rubbing the 25+ years of who knows what off the rubber trim around my front windshield. The "black" didn't stop soiling my towel until at least 5 applications (I'm thinking great).


When I finished the rubber was very dull looking (it was shiny).


On to the VRT and to my dismay after 3 applications the rubber still looks dull and old. Can it be so dry that it needs more applications? Is there a better Adam's product to use (maybe interior/leather conditioner)? 


I hate when I spend an hour of my time and something looks worse than when I started...LOL


Thanks for any input.

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Are you sure they're supposed to be shiny to begin with?  My dad had a 1986 944T and I don't remember them being shiny at any point.  Of course that was a few years ago seeing that he sold it in '88 for the 928s.  


Sometimes you just need to replace the rubbers as they've just gotten too bad to bring back.  


Usually I put it on SUPER thick and let it dwell.  Sometimes for days even...  On my G8 the rubber on either side of the windshield started looking poor so I bought replacements.  Adams made it look better, but for 20 bucks, it wasn't worth spending time making them look new.  Of course a Porsche will cost a few bucks more.  :) 

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Shiny in as new looking not "wrong zipcode" as Adam would say...LOL


The rubber is in pretty good shape but after I cleaned it with APC (lots of dirt on towel)it now has a very dull look. Just trying to get it more fresh rubber looking.


Thanks though for the input.

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You might try In and Out spray.  When i first started to try and protect my disffuser I got mixed results with SVRT.  In and Out spray worked fine.  After several applications of In and Out the diffuser then began accepting SVRT like it should have from the start.  


My guess there was something on the disffuser that was preventing the SRVT from covering correctly.  At some point I must have gotten rid of the what ever it was and now SVRT covers completely,  



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I've had rubber (I'm guessing it was some type of foam rubber) on a Sciracco that kept soaking up SVRT no matter what I did, and when I would come back 15 minutes later it looked horrible again.  Sometimes trim pieces depending on what they are made of, damage, etc. just doesn't play nice with SVRT...all products don't work on everything, it's impossible.  If you are confident you have tried all application methods:


1. Check on replacement like Chris stated (Even Google Image/Forum Search) what OEM is supposed to look like new.  It may be more cost effective to replace the molding.


2. Try your hand at other Trim sealants, but that could get costly and may not get you anywhere.


My choice...join a Porsche forum and see what others have done...

Edited by 07RS4
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