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Storage of your polisher?



how do you guys store your babies? (Polishers not your children but close to it lol)


Have been putting mine back into the original box since day one of ownership and the box is getting rather worn/tired of my demands of "somewhat-safe" storage. Is anyone using a cheap aluminum case or cheap tool box to store? I travel with my polishers a bit and worry about the inevitable dropping and injuring my life line (college student making extra cash for tuition payments and fuel bills)

harbor freight, wally mart, amazon or ebay?


*Suggestion to Adams developers and so on making a hard-formed case for the PC and Flex, like a power/cordless drill or nail gun case specifically. I do not like the idea of leaving expensive tools out for an eminent demise... 


And with pads?

Kinda paranoid with my fancy pads. Store them in sealed zip-lock baggies when dry, and if product is on them same bag but cracked... 


What about the MF towels?

storing in zip-locks currently.. 


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