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New here! Looking for advice.


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Hey all,


I'm looking for some advice as I'm far from a professional when it comes to detailing.


I just sold my 2009 CTS-V in hopes of getting a new C7 but some unfortunate events have struck my family. My father-in-law was just diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer this week and he now wants me to take care of his '67 Shelby GT350. I'll probably end up buying the car from him soon and continue to restore it. I'm in my 20's so I don't know much about restoring or detailing classic cars.


My CTS-V was very clean and I took very good care of it, so I'm definitely going to do the same with the Mustang. I love the new 2-step polishing system that Adam's came out with. I'm just looking for advice on which products to use to keep the Mustang in great shape. Thanks guys and gals!


Here's the V. I miss this thing!




Here's the Mustang.



Edited by Tusk
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Sorry to hear about your father-in-law's condition. It looks like he's taken good care of the Mustang, so maintaining it should be pretty easy.  Give it the 2 step polish followed by Brilliant Glaze and Americana wax. Assuming it spends most of its time in a garage, other than the occasional wash, you should just need to touch it up with Waterless Wash and Detail Spray.

Of course, Adam's has you covered inside and out, so check out the  videos for interior and trim detailing as well.

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Welcome, and very sorry to hear about your father in law. Prayers for the best on that end of things.

I understand missing the CTS-V, I really like those too. However, becoming the steward of your FIL's Shelby is not a responsibility to take lightly! That is one beautiful car. Post up more as you get into it, but Redbeard pretty well covered what you'll need to maintain the paint. Again, welcome, and keep us posted on progress.


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Also sorry to hear about your FIL.  Gonna agree with everyone else here.  The car looks in great shape.  Quick polish and detail and you should be good to go.  I don't know of anything Adam's sells that wouldn't work on an older car.

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Welcome to the forum Dalton!  Sounds like some tough times ahead, but your helping with the Mustang will help your father in laws spirits while he's fighting this thing.  Best of luck all around, and like Chris, I will keep him in my prayers.

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