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Should you purchase deep wheel cleaner? Read on...



Had borrowed a friends truck for a few days to do some moving of furniture and the like. As payment I told him I'd clean his car up.  The wheels were disgusting! I mean, I don't know if this kid washed his car in the past 10 years kind of dirty.  I'm just going to let the before and after pictures speak for themselves.  I am insanely impressed with the way this stuff works. Definitely doesn't smell like the other products but it is absolutely bearable for what this stuff will do for your wheels. post-10680-0-55755900-1382050564_thumb.jpgpost-10680-0-39699000-1382050591_thumb.jpg

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Does the smell always linger for awhile after? I smelled it on the driveway for a few hours.  


Ah, paint decon, how do you use it in that regard? As in the process. spray it on, spread it? leave it on the paint for a certain amount of time?


When I brought the car back to the kid he was in total shock, he forgot that his wheel wasn't normally brown.  :bow: to DWC!

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Ah, paint decon, how do you use it in that regard? As in the process. spray it on, spread it? leave it on the paint for a certain amount of time?

After washing/rinsing, before claying, while the car is still wet. I spray two panels at a time to make sure the cleaner doesn't dry on the surface, wait for it to "bleed out" and then thoroughly hose down the panel. Afterwards if I have any soap left in my foam gun I'll foam the car down again to help eliminate any remaining DWC, then I'll move onto clay. Keep in mind this is not an every-wash thing. I only do this once a year on my G8. What is actually stuck to your paint (DWC only attacks metal particles), how much of it is stuck to your paint, and how quickly it accumulates will dictate if and when you need to use this decon method.

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Soap and hot water? Mook, you should take a bath in some 10:1 APC . Maybe throw in some bubbles for ambiance. Now that's a bath made in America.    :patriot:



Thanks for the advice on the paint decon everyone! Will keep it in mind and use it next time I have a car that needs it.


Chris, I hope he doesn't offer it too often. I think trees have something against his car because it had tree sap in about 50 different places. It was really enjoyable tending to that problem :party:  . Can you tell I'm loving these smiley things haha. Enjoy your weekends everyone, Happy Detailing!

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