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Method Before Upcoming Road Trip



I wasn't really sure where to put this question so I was guessing this would be the best place.


First off, I have a 2013 Dodge Charger Blacktop Edition. I am getting ready to drive from Washington, DC to Charlotte, NC. I've had my car for about a year almost and have driven to Charlotte maybe twice so far. After the ride the bug guts build up on my car is ridiculous, and I just want to know the best method I should incorporate before I jump on the road so when I get there it will be a bit easier for me and not such a hassle to get them off. I only have a few Adams products so far (can't find a dealer here in the Washington, DC area) so I have been ordering most of my products online. 


Method I was thinking:


Strip Wash


Revive Hand Polish

Buttery Wax



What steps am I missing? I want to keep my car looking real good, especially because I am going down to my college's homecoming. Rather not have a car that LOOKS like its been through the ringer once I get down there. 



Sorry for the long post, I'm just new to this and I have a lot of learning to do in order to keep my car looking good. 



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5 answers to this question

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Masking tape.


If you aren't cool with that,and you want to use what you have just do a couple coats of buttery and they should come right off with a good washing in NC.

Edited by davidg
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Quick sealant. Lay the quick sealant down after you clay and hand revive polish, then wash the residue off the car. Throw some quick sealant down, wait the required time, then wax. Bugs should come off MUCH easier.

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QS really makes bug removal easy. After applying it takes little more than a soak and they will wipe right off. I would suggest taking some WCW and waffles towels with you to get them off and keep from having to wash the car and deal with water spots. Alternatively you could apply PlastiDip to the bug areas and peel it once you make it to your destination. That would also help with dealing with road rash.

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