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Snow! October 22nd??? Huh?


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Well, it's a good thing I've got the car put away for the winter. I still need to get it on the dollies though.

WTH? Snow like this, this time of year is unheard of lately.


Sorry for the bad photo.  I shot it through a dirty window. 


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it's getting there, had some thick frost on the car this morning.


They are predicting a long winter in Eastern Ontario this year.  Apparently abnormal animal behavior (larger than normal food reserves and earlier hybernation).

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only a dusting here in Minneapolis but its coming and Im not too happy about it. Ive been putting off getting the winter tires on but from what I hear I may need to do it this weekend, or be upset driving the winter beater for the next few months. I dont like my winter car much and would rather drive my V.

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We're supposed to get some snow tomorrow and Thursday. It will probably only lay in the mountains, but I'm high enough that I'll get it and most likely get a dusting. On my way to Auto Zone for some Stabil.  :( :(

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It is that time of the year.  I remember while I was in Elementary School it snowed on October 31 here.  My winter tires are on my second set of rims in the garage ready to put on the all wheel drive.

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Go ahead and keep that white stuff.  Upper 60's here today and blue sky.  Cold in the mornings and when the sun goes down however.  Haven't verified, but heard that were suppose to get our turn on Tuesday.  

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October 29, 2011


Crappy picture, but this exploded 10 feet from us while we were keeping an eye on a nearby set of arcing wires down..  Trees were falling all around us..  its was a busy evening until the following noon..


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Personally, I'll take cold winters over stifling heat in the summer.  Best of both worlds is what my parents are able to do.  Be here in the summer and FL ALL WINTER!  


I think 1980 was the last time we had snow here in October.  I was 6 and I'm guessing you Eric were -4 or something. :) 




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Personally, I'll take cold winters over stifling heat in the summer.  Best of both worlds is what my parents are able to do.  Be here in the summer and FL ALL WINTER!  


I think 1980 was the last time we had snow here in October.  I was 6 and I'm guessing you Eric were -4 or something. :)





That white junk tends to go hand in hand with cold winters.  I will pass.  Plus it mucks up your car for a few months out of the year.  My goal is to go somewhere where they have no idea what a snow shovel is.  I have seen it snow here on Halloween to the point that I was chained up and pushing snow with my bumper.  

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Personally, I'll take cold winters over stifling heat in the summer.  Best of both worlds is what my parents are able to do.  Be here in the summer and FL ALL WINTER!  


I think 1980 was the last time we had snow here in October.  I was 6 and I'm guessing you Eric were -4 or something. :)





-6 actually lol

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I was born in raised in Western New York....7 of the top 10 avg snowfall cities were all close to me.  I remember the endless hours of playing in the snow as a kid, and back then, tons of snow days from school.  It was awesome! 




Now that I'm older...I'll take over 300+ days of gorgeous sunshine and warm weather all year round anyday.

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