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Helicopter Wash?!?!


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I'm not sure what the Helicopter wash is or what's different than normal shampoo but it sounds awesome! Mainly because it comes in 55 Gallon Drums  :lolsmack:


Which makes me wonder... How much soap does it take to wash a helicopter once?



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Its part of a government contract we handle... its a special blend we developed for that contract specifically and its not sold to anyone else. It does indeed come in 55 gallon drums, and they order 4 at a time. Our minimum batch is 220 gallons. 


Do guys in black trench coats and dark glasses show up in will call heavily armed?  Then load it into an armored tractor trailer?  Just curious if they gave you any insight on what they were looking for in formulations and what it would be washing?  Or did you just submit samples blindly tell they found one to be acceptable?  If it is only available to them, why have it listed on the website? 

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I'm not trying to pry for secrets or anything but do Helicopters require different types of shampoos than what a car does?


I'am sure they don't know a whole lot.  My dad when I was a kid worked for a machine shop that made all kinds of parts that they had no idea what they were for.  Some parts they knew what they were for.  What I wonder is if they come in and inspect the packaging and make sure it is up to MIL specs.....lol.  I helped with packaging of a large order at one time, and the requirements seemed excessive to me.  Bags, paper, boxes, and crates all had to be inspected.

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Do guys in black trench coats and dark glasses show up in will call heavily armed?  Then load it into an armored tractor trailer?  Just curious if they gave you any insight on what they were looking for in formulations and what it would be washing?  Or did you just submit samples blindly tell they found one to be acceptable?  If it is only available to them, why have it listed on the website? 


We were made aware of what the project was specifically and the criteria they needed. We blended a few different variations and sent them samples to test. They chose one (after a few revisions) and thats what we make for them today.


Its on the site so that it can be ordered by them when they need it. 


I'm not trying to pry for secrets or anything but do Helicopters require different types of shampoos than what a car does?


Very much. The exhaust behind the jet that powers the propeller spits out a mixture of soot and oil that stains the surrounding panels, the particular aircraft also sees a lot of mileage and collects a fair amount of gunk. Since they're painted with a special variation of dupont imron paint (over $200 per gallon) it can be washed with a very acidic product to cut the contamination without fear of damaging the finish. 


This is also a chemical that is applied via a hot water pressure system. 

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