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Gas on paint :(



Long story short, I've spent the past 3 days doing a full detail on my Evo.  I strip washed it, clayed the whole car, hand polished, sealed, b.g., b.w. blah blah blah.  It looks sexy as heck :) 


Anyway, were going on a cruise tomorrow morning so I went out just now and filled her up.  I was at the pump, but apparently the auto stop doesn't work on that one.  I spilled about a cup of gas down the side of her. 


It instantly took the SVRT off the wheel and I about lost my cool standing at the pump.  I grabbed a handful of the *cring* gas station paper towels and cleaned/dried it as best I could and hurried home.  I went over the area thoroughly with quick detail spray and a microfiber.  It feels fine to the touch and I cant visually see anything wrong with the area - though its dark and the lighting in my garage isn't as ideal as daylight.


I guess my question is - can I do anything else?  Is that section of the car going to look like crap in the am or was the quick response/clean up and Adams amazing products enough to protect it? 


Thanks in advance for the help guys. 



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7 answers to this question

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I haven't had that much gas spill but I've gotten drops before, and as long as you clean it up quick you shouldn't have a problem. Make sure there's no residue left behind, polish out any small swirls caused by the paper towels, and re-seal/wax the area. You may also be interested in finding something like this

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Thanks guys,  a cup may be an exaggeration - it only came out for as long as it took me to pull my hand off the trigger, which at the time seemed like a ton.  Either way it was more than Id like! 


Unfortunately I dont have the time or the day light to do a full rewash, but Ill get up early and reapply some BG and BW before the cruise. 

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I haven't had that much gas spill but I've gotten drops before, and as long as you clean it up quick you shouldn't have a problem. Make sure there's no residue left behind, polish out any small swirls caused by the paper towels, and re-seal/wax the area. You may also be interested in finding something like this

I have one of those bibs on my C4, but the gas cap is on top of the rear deck. It works well.

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Rewashing would be the best, but the DS cleanup should do the trick. I would've gone with WW over the DS though as it's more of a cleaner than a gloss enhancer.


But, like others have stated, make sure to reapply your protection as I'm sure the gas stripped it.

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You'll be fine. Just give it a gentle wash and re-apply any sealants or waxes to the area.


I did the same thing the very first time I put diesel in my tdi-- spilled it right down the side of the car. Rushed home and washed that panel and wheel, in the driveway, at night, in 40degree weather. My neighbors came home while I was doing it; I'm pretty sure that night convinced them they were living next to a lunatic.

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