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What other reason do you need to use Deep Wheel Cleaner?



Finally got the GF's 2010 Audi A4 in for a full paint correction and some good paint protection before winter get's here. And finally got a chance to use my new Flex I bought from a local member (amazing)


Took a few before shots of the car, but haven't gotten around to getting the final finished photo's but she does looks great!


But most of you guys probably already know how bad break dust gathers on the Audi's and this one is no different. I mean just look at the  photo's, they speak for themselves! Mind you, this is just spraying the Deep Wheel Cleaner on, and hosing off. Not brushes or pads were used. Only thing to touch the wheel was the cleaner and water. Simply amazing!


























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great results.  i get similar results if my car hasn't been driven in the rain, the rain tends to make the break dust adhere better.  


i am also using a power washer on the wheel so the water is agitating quite a bit as well.  its the reason i still haven't been able to break the habit of using DWC every time I wash. 

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This was the first time I used the Deep Wheel cleaner on her car that wasn't at the car wash, Sprayed it on dry. left it turn blood like and just used my garden hose to hose it down. Literally didn't touch the wheels with anything other than cleaner and water when I snapped these. I did use a brush on the tires and  a lug brush with some shampoo and some APC after these were taken just to get any little nooks I may have missed. But I'm seriously impressed at how well this stuff works! 

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