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Boston Strong


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Redsox deserve to win at home for the first time in nearly a century. Go Boston


Sarcastic much, haha.  Congrats Sox (and I'm a Yankee fan)


Although, kind of already tired of the worst to first corelations with the marathon bombings...as though the wings of angels led them to victory...c'mon, they had a great team, that's why they won!

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Sarcastic much, haha. Congrats Sox (and I'm a Yankee fan)


Although, kind of already tired of the worst to first corelations with the marathon bombings...as though the wings of angels led them to victory...c'mon, they had a great team, that's why they won!

A little sarcasm not to bad, they had a strong team this year. I follow them and my hometown Reds but they seem to let me down more often than not.
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