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Customer Service 866.965.0400

Subaru:1 Sandstorm:0

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This car was brought to me a few months ago and had a nice coat of sealant on top.

This turned out to be very lucky because the client was caught in a sandstorm and thought the car was ruined. When I saw the car I was a little bit nervous because I couldn't tell what the damage was under all of the contamination. Luckily the sealant did an amazing job of protecting the car and there was not one sign of marring.

IMAG0164-300x169.jpg White hides the dirt fairly well in pictures

IMAG0157-300x169.jpg Maybe not so much...


IMAG0161-300x169.jpg "Gloss" black roof....

IMAG0160-169x300.jpg Gross...

IMAG0159-169x300.jpg Sneaking suspicion it was not just the sandstorm....

IMAG0165-300x169.jpg Don't worry Subaru, I can save you!

IMAG0176-169x300.jpg Potent strip wash whipped up

IMAG0167-300x169.jpg Initial soak

IMAG0171-169x300.jpg Maybe we need a little more

IMAG0172-169x300.jpg Nastiness runoff

IMAG0173-300x169.jpg Ahh much better!

2014-02-21-16.38.50-300x300.jpg Nice reflection

2014-02-21-16.35.12-300x300.jpg Back to its former glory!

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No polishing required after a sandstorm? Speaks volumes for the sealant :2thumbs:

This surprised me a ton. I thought there would be a lot of damage. All those reflection shots are just after stripping with no wax or sealant on top so you can see that it was perfect!

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