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Doest this make sense? Example panel....



I am wanting to create an example panel to use to explain to customers the difference in where the paint is now, and what a general idea of what it would look like after certain steps.


My initial thought is to have a 1'x3' section, would keep the first 1'x1' sections with the swirls and scratches, then the second 1'x1' section will have a 1 step correction, the final section would be a 2 step correction. As I am typing this I should probably have an additional section of fully corrected, as that could take multiple passes. 


Now I have 2 questions. If i tape of and correct each of the sections, could I then get a spray can of clear and spray that over the sections sealing the results. And over time I would just have to buff out the top clear coat to show the results underneath? 


Second,sense I can not go to the junk yard and pick up a flat 1'x4' flat piece, how could I go about getting that? Would I be able to make it myself. By a piece of steel, Spray paint it with color and clear? would that look horrible and not at all what I am trying to accomplish?

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How about a small trunk lid off a compact car from the junkyard?


Once you have it done, hang it on the wall.


I would do 4 sections: original swirled, one-step, two-step, fully corrected AND waxed.


I don't see any need to try and clearcoat it, not going to change if it is inside and not touched.

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I don't think smaller is necessarily better.  Here is a link showing what Joseph@AdamsAustralia did as an example with stellar results.  I think this is a perfect example of what your looking to accomplish.  His is just a 50/50 comparison, of the finished product.  Although his pictures show well what each step accomplishes.


Just curious as to why you can't go to the junkyard?  Is it a transport issue?

Edited by LFairbanks
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Picking up the hood/trunk from a junkyard is not the problem. But storing and functionality is. I want something I can pull out and rotate around and show it in all angles of the sun/light. There is a pretty big difference in a 1'x3' sections and a car hood. I wanted a flat panel as well for these purposes.


What would happen if I bought a trunk lid and cut out the section I wanted? Would the paint start to peal from the edges where I cut it out?

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You can always pull out a hood and lay it out on the grass in the sun and walk around it and view it at all angles.  Or lean it up against a fence.  That way someone can view it from their perspective.  Some may view you showing them a small section as being doctored so to speak, where if they see a whole hood they may be able to relate better.

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