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ASK THE SHINE DOC - Ep. 2: Removing Rail Dust with Deep Wheel Cleaner

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Episode 2 of our new weekly series is live and ready for your viewing! This weeks question came to us from Byron H. (aka ndkid on the forums) about how to properly use DWC as a means to remove iron contamination from painted surfaces.


Enjoy and remember to submit your questions by emailing shinedoc@adamspolishes.com - if we use your question in a video you get a $25 online gift card like our boy Byron did!


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This is awesome to know.  When 2 bucket washing/claying/liquid sealing my truck last weekend I had one spot on the lower part of the driver door that looked like rust above the clear coat and couldn't get it off with clay.  I will deff try this next time I strip the sealant off.  Awesome info as always!

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How long did it take for you to find a white car with iron contaminates AND "FAQ" on the license plate?


So heres the funny part.... we shot the video, it was edited and I'm standing in the video office reviewing it when I realized we picked a car with FAQ on the plate for an FAQ video. Totally random. You think I would've noticed sitting next to it for the shoot, but nope!

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Great video. Any reason why the product label isn't Deep Wheel & Paint Cleaner?

Simple answer - bc the product is complicated enough for the casual detailer that adding extra virtues without in depth explanation just opens up the possibility for issues.


There's no way you'd compact everything I say in the video into text on a label PLUS wheel cleaning instructions.


As recently as last week we've had people create issues on wheels by not using as directed... Add another use and we'd probably quadruple the issues.


Long story short we're trying to protect people from themselves.

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  • 2 weeks later...

so this doesn't need agitation like the wheels do? I was using this method on my white truck last week, but simply letting it dwell and then hosing it off wasn't enough to remove the particles. 


I ended up re-claying it with the 50/50 mix still on the paint, and then they came off. Hopefully that is an okay thing for my clay bar and paint?


thanks for the video!

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Guest washemup

I used this solution on a 2000 Mercedes ML320 SUV for decon this past weekend.


Thanks for the tip, I'd rather smell "cherry sucrets lozenges" than the smell of the other decon products on the market!  :thumbsup:


After returning home did a wash on my Camaro, the wheels were a little more than normal contaminated, a spray and rinse with the diluted DWC followed by foam gun/wash/rinse with New Adams Shampoo had them clean as a whistle!  :drool:

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  • 7 months later...

My truck and DD are both white, and they look like they have chicken pox!  Claying definitely helped, but it is still there pretty bad.


Looks like my "Spring Cleaning" list is pretty long at this point.....need more in my shopping cart!


I suppose I will do my wife's blue metallic Traverse as well.

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