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is it ok to leave the sprayers in the bottles?



I feel almost stupid for asking this but is it ok to leave the sprayer in the bottle of APC and the undercarriage spray? or should I be removing those each time?


Thanks, don't flame me too bad.

8 answers to this question

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Okay, am I the only one here who has seen the Undercarriage Spray wick up out of the bottle & leave a small puddle if it's sitting on the shelf for a while? For that reason, I always unscrew the sprayer, spray it back into the bottle and put a screw cap on it.


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I've had detail spray leak out on me, so now I just crack the top open and close when I'm done and it never happened again:bow:

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:iagree: I've had that happen with the DS. It can probably happen with any of the products with a spray nozzle attached.


Any expansion will most likely push the liquid out to some extent.

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Great questions guys! So, turning the nozzle to the "X" or "OFF" position will stop that from happening. Much easier than removing the sprayer too!


Please report back with your findings, and thanks!



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Great questions guys! So, turning the nozzle to the "X" or "OFF" position will stop that from happening. Much easier than removing the sprayer too!


Please report back with your findings, and thanks!



Well yeah, I guess you could do that too. (where is that little "face palm" smiley guy when you need him) I'll try it that way next time and let you know.


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