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Sap removal

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I hope someone can offer me some advice. I have what I believe to be sap droplets splattered on the roof of my car. I've only purchased the vehicle a week ago and didn't notice it at the dealership. Through some rudimentary testing, I've determined the sap can be removed by a microfiber towel, isopropyl alcohol and a bit of rubbing.


My dilemma is that I'm nervous to continue on since there's a fair bit of sap on the roof. Any thoughts on the safety of proceeding? I certainly don't want to damage the clear coat if that's possible through this process.


Thanks in advance!

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Tree sap is such a PITA. I had tree sap on both my car and truck. On the car I tried Goo Gone, WD40, and alcohol. None worked as I was hoping, but the Alcohol was a little more efficient than the others. I had to rub pretty hard with a towel and alcohol and ended up messing up my paint, So I had to go back and detail that area really good. 


On the truck however, I wasnt driving much at the time, and we had a whole weekend of rain. Once the rain stopped, the sap was gone. No marks or residue whatsoever. Its almost as if mother nature saw me struggle with the car so much, that she decided to help out with the truck lol.

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Use isopropyl alcohol but be sure to re seal or wax because the isopropyl alcohol will remove that. If you have a ceramic coating, isopropyl alcohol will not remove the coating.

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This sounds crazy, but MARGARINE!!! It won't hurt your paint. It won't remove protection. Put a glob on your finger and lightly rub. It will take all the stickiness away. I know it sounds crazy, but it really works!

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Use isopropyl alcohol but be sure to re seal or wax because the isopropyl alcohol will remove that. If you have a ceramic coating, isopropyl alcohol will not remove the coating.

I agree with Nathan isopropyl alcohol is your best bet.

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So, aside from just reapplying the sealant or wax, I shouldn't damage the clear coat by using a quality microfiber towel, alcohol, tarminator, or the like??

I use a polishing microfiber and I am sure to do this on a clean surface (so I have wiped down the spot with DS or WW before.)

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