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Customer Service 866.965.0400


Posted (edited)

ok so after watching the vids and getting some ideas i thought of something....after washing the car Adam says to take the nozzle off and use nothing but the hose to get that nice clean sheet of water to help the drying process ...Well i got to thinking....

why not use one of these....you can keep the firehose head on and just the flip of 2 switches be all set and not have to worry about removing and re attaching the nozzle head

Fw to 2.40




if this has been mentiond before im sry lol

Edited by Aceitup1011

13 answers to this question

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  • 0

thats a good idea but i can def c that being uncomfortable to use and if it slips or gets close to ur car it can leave a sickk scratch

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I actually have one of those. Hook it up to the house and use the 2 hose method. One hose goes to power washer, other to a regular hose. Could also do the same thing without the power washer for your desired results also.

  • 0

That is an interesting idea.


I'm going to try the same idea, only using a quick disconnect on the fire nozzle. I can just pop it off, use the open hose and pop it back on. I'll likely add an on/off toggle just before the quick disconnect. We shall see how that works.


Never stop thinking of ways to improve a process... :rockon:

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I've noticed that if you open the firehose nozzle up all the way you can still get a decent enough sheeting action, especially if you are using the Detail Spray to dry.

  • 0
thats a good idea but i can def c that being uncomfortable to use and if it slips or gets close to ur car it can leave a sickk scratch


You would drop that. :loser:

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