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New to Adam's, Not a detailer... just a car owner


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Sup ya'll...

New to Adam's Polishes... and haven't really taken great care of my vehicles (daily drivers) since I had kids (16 years ago now), as all of my time was consumed with them and their activities, but before the kids, I'd detail my cars regularly (light details, not paint correction, or anything like that...).


Kid's are growing up so they take less of my time, and because I recently purchased a new vehicle for the wife, I thought I'd start maintaining it myself, in an effort to keep it looking new for years to come.


Did some research, found Adam's Polishes and placed an order yesterday. Picked up the basic's: a kit that included Wheel Cleaner, Detail Spray, Car Wash Shampoo, and H2O Guard & Gloss, also got some Foaming Leather & Interior cleaner, Interior Detailer, Visco Clay Bar Kit, and Buttery Wax Kit.


After joining the forum, I read about these "Mystery" (box, bucket, etc...) sales, what's the deal with them and how does one get in on them?


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Welcome! You are sure to be impressed by Adam's quality. You got a great set of products to start. Mystery boxes and buckets are released occasionally. They have occurred more regularly in the past few months. Check out the Official Mystery Box thread and you will learn a lot more. I was introduced to Adam's with a MB. It's a great way to have a little fun and get a great deal on products. It also gives the opportunity to get something you wouldn't normally buy. Let's see some pictures of the new car!


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I actually don't have a picture of the car... it's nothing special (2018 Toyota Highlander XLE, Predawn Gray Mica), but the wife is thrilled to be out of the mini van.  I'll be sure to post pics after my first go with my new Adam's products.


I was checking out the mystery box thread, but it's a long one, mostly saw posts of what people received, but not how to get notified of them or when/where they're offered. Does seem like a fun way to stock up and get introduced to different products. 

Edited by rseward
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Welcome Russell! 

You got here for the same reasons I did - my son was getting older and didn't need to be driven everywhere (ball practices, games, etc.), so I was looking for something to fill my time.  Almost 10 years later I am still here! 

The Mystery boxes/buckets are good for someone starting out, as the minimum value is less than the cost, and there are 'jackpot' ones that include a big ticket item.  The downside is you don't know what you will get, and it could be something you already have plenty of or don't really need.  They are usually mentioned on here (either by an official Adam's person or by one of the members), and they are also referenced on Adam's Instagram feed (they just hit 250,000 followers!). 

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Thanks for the warm welcome!

It's amazing how much time is consumed raising kids, but it's the most rewarding thing I've ever done... I couldn't be prouder of my boys.


My son is another reason I'm here. My oldest is driving now (recently bought him a used car), so I figured it was something we could do together as he learns how to care for his car.


When I decided to order some car care products and tools, and first came across Adam's I wasn't really sure about it.  My first thought was "this stuff is expensive" (in comparison to the big brands like Mothers or Meguiars). Then as I started to learn more about the brand and company I could see what made them special. To me Adams Polishes is reminiscent of a craft beer micro brewery... you're gonna pay a little more for your favorite craft beer, but you're also going to enjoy it that much more. That's what I'm hoping Adams will be, and I'm really looking forward to it.



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Welcome to the addiction, Russell!


A quick way to be notified of the release is to "follow" the MB forum and let us be your eyes and ears. I assure you someone will post when they're on the site. To do so, go to the MB page and click "follow" in the upper right corner. Then choose how often to be notified (I recommend as soon as it's posted option).


As keeper of the history, I'll steer you to this post for dates of release over the last year. If you notice, there have been significantly more the last couple months than usual. No idea if that will continue. As noted above, they are perfect for someone starting out, so good luck!



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I'm following along, hopefully I can grab one... the latest "Sticker Bomb Myster Bucket" would have been perfect for me (based on what I saw others receive), because I could use all of what was sent. Then I see posts from members that ordered 2 buckets and were disappointed because they couldn't use any of it, or got 2 identical buckets.  With my luck, when I get one, I'll be in the same position and get a bucket that includes everything I just ordered. :)  But still sounds like fun, and worth the risk!

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I'm pretty new to the Adam's family and detailing in general myself. Great company (owner and staff) and great followers of the company. This forum is fantastic. You can learn a ton from the guys and gals on here. All are willing to help.


Be warned... It's addicting.

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