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Wetsanding - Anyone want me to do something in particular?



Hey guys, 


My family owns a 2001 Kia Rio as a beater car. It has about 40,000 miles on it (Older neighbors owned it and only took it to the grocery store) and I'm going to hone in my wetsanding skills on it. 


Does anybody want me to try anything particular for them? I'm going to play around with a bunch of different grits, polishes, pads etc. and see what I find on this particular paint. 


I'm pretty sure the car was never washed or taken care of that way, but there is quite a lot of paint on the vehicle (measured with a paint thickness gauge) so I have plenty to play around with. Besides, at the end of it all I can pretty much guarantee we'll have one of the nicest looking 2001 Kia Rios around! :lol:


I will be taking plenty of pictures to document what I see and wind up doing. Just post up if you are curious about anything and I'll try it out B)

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7 answers to this question

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5 hours ago, cwp2016nd said:

Hey guys, 


My family owns a 2001 Kia Rio as a beater car. It has about 40,000 miles on it (Older neighbors owned it and only took it to the grocery store) and I'm going to hone in my wetsanding skills on it. 


Does anybody want me to try anything particular for them? I'm going to play around with a bunch of different grits, polishes, pads etc. and see what I find on this particular paint. 


I'm pretty sure the car was never washed or taken care of that way, but there is quite a lot of paint on the vehicle (measured with a paint thickness gauge) so I have plenty to play around with. Besides, at the end of it all I can pretty much guarantee we'll have one of the nicest looking 2001 Kia Rios around! :lol:


I will be taking plenty of pictures to document what I see and wind up doing. Just post up if you are curious about anything and I'll try it out B)


Are you doing this as a pure test, just because, or does it really need wet sanding?

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I’m doing this for practice and to learn some stuff such as how much paint is removed after starting at different sanding levels, compounding, polishing etc. 


I am going to document the thickness between each step and go from there. Each car will be different depending on how hard the paint is but this will be a cool experiment for me. 


This is the perfect canvas to do it on. We got the car for free and the paint is rather thick for OEM stuff. It’s going to be a beater for anybody in the family and even if i burn through the paint it’s not going to matter (which i don’t plan on doing). 

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13 hours ago, imatt27 said:

I’m interested in seeing some before and after pics. 

I will definitely take before and after pictures. 


Keep in mind there is some rust on this car so it will not be perfect by any means, but it is the perfect test panel for me :) 


Its much easier than getting a hood from a junkyard and setting it up to work on. 

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On 8/25/2018 at 5:10 AM, pirahnah3 said:

Personally.....I would like to see some side by side shots on a panel of different grits and methods (Much like polished and unpolished surfaces) which would also help you in learning what does what with them as well. 

I plan on doing something similar to that. I will play around with different pads/compounds and see how they remove different sanding marks. Everything from 1500 grit to 3000 :)

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3 hours ago, cwp2016nd said:

I plan on doing something similar to that. I will play around with different pads/compounds and see how they remove different sanding marks. Everything from 1500 grit to 3000 :)

I have been getting vehicles between 10 and 30 years old some good, some bad and some beyond cosmetic repair, so I would be very interested in this to see what the limits and outcome is.

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