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Washing Microfiber after Ceramic Boost



My new favorite product is the Ceramic Boost used as a standalone. Easy to apply and wonderful shine and protection.


I seem to use a lot of microfiber towels during the process to get the best results, which is fine but...


My question is:  Is the washing process for my microfiber towels any different with a "glass based" product than with the polish and wax based?


I have my washing routine down but have been piling up the Microfiber until I know if I'm doing it right for the Boost contaminated towels.


Thanks for the help.

Edited by teamcrossworks
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I have been using boost for quite a while now and have not changed my cleaning process at all because of it. Towels come out the same as they always have.  So I’d say my answer is no, if you have something that works for you now, don’t change it due to Boost. 


G&G is a different story. But I have yet to experience my towels becoming waterproof from Boost like the G&G junkies have mentioned. (I use G&G, but it’s not one of my staples since I have mostly all ceramic coated cars and thus have not yet experienced this phenomenon)

Edited by galaxy
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