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Preparing for Line-X



So I’ve been to two or three Line-X shops to get estimates and interviews to do the bedliner in my truck. But after visiting these shops, I’m seriously having second thoughts about doing it at all. Every shop I’ve seen, they have these giant quilt type blankets that they use to cover/protect the entire vehicle from overspray. These big *** blankets get drug off an on from vehicle to vehicle day in and day out. When not in use, there’s a huge pile of them laying in a corner somewhere. When the next vehicle pulls in, they grab one out of the pile and throw it across your ****. So how do we do this?  How do you approach the shop guys and not use those dirty *** blankets.  What are some other options for overspray protection.  There’s no way that’s not gonna scratch the surface.  Sorry...just can’t do it. 

Edited by galaxy
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There are multiple manufacturers of Bedliner available, so I have substituted Line-X, RhinoLiner (Zeibart), etc., for "Bedliner"


Some of the shops will offer hand taping, usually for an extra charge.  This is accomplished using the same method that body repair shops use for a local repair or respray.  The shops that offer this are usually the same ones that will do Rocker Panels or the fenders behind the tires and you can even find shops that will do the wheel wells and tow hooks.   Just so you know "Bedliner" on your tow hooks is a lot better than Plasti-Dip, even though I am a fan of Plasti-Dip.  "Bedliner" can normally have a color pigment added to match your truck, which is nice for the Rocker Panels, tow hooks and such.


Any of these methods runs the risk of contaminants and light marring, but so does anything that touches your vehicle.  I do agree that the blankets that already have hardened "Bedliner" on them being dragged across your vehicle, is not the best approach.

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