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Official Garage or Detail Shop Picture Thread?


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Is there an official garage or detail shop picture thread? I'm new to the forum and Adam's Polishes so it's very possible I have missed it. However, I have tried searching but could not find any thread dedicated to this topic. Just a few one off threads that people created about moving into a new house, building a new garage, etc. Personally I think a dedicated thread to this topic would be awesome. Some of the computer forums I'm on have a similar thread for computer room pictures (link below for reference). Anyways if thread already exists point me in the right direction! I've been in my house a year and am finally getting to the garage and am looking for ideas and inspiration!  


Overclock.net Official Computer Pics Thread

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Two workspaces. One where we do polishing and prep. One for protection and inspection. The work bay is slightly different in arrangement now, just shelves moved and such. 






And the light bay!  Over 90,000 lumens of light in here. It’s new and still a work in progress. 









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1 hour ago, shane@detailedreflections said:

Two workspaces. One where we do polishing and prep. One for protection and inspection. The work bay is slightly different in arrangement now, just shelves moved and such. 






And the light bay!  Over 90,000 lumens of light in here. It’s new and still a work in progress. 









This is awesome!! Can’t wait to build my own garage one day 

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  • 5 weeks later...

I got started on the remodel of my current garage over the weekend.  The first objective was a coat of paint on the ceiling and new lights.   We have been in the house 19 years and had  never painted the garage ceiling.  The garage is 24 deep x 19 wide and I put in six 48" LED's ceiling mounted.  Next up will be to do the finish painting and then to redo the walls and get rid of the 1970's paneling and finally the floor will have tiles, I just need to decide on which ones.   I'm also adding a low profile ceiling fan between the garage door opener and the farthest light toward the back.  


As for the lights themselves, they replaced two LED's that have been in there for 5 or 6 years and were good for the age and what was available at the time.  The new lights are wired in series and I put the conduit in to give it a cleaner look.   The two pictures with the garage door opener visible were taken during the day, the one with the motorcycle was taken well after dark.  The forward light sits 1 foot behind the garage door when it is open, so it never gets blocked by the garage door.  


We are also finalizing the plans for the new garage which will be a 25x36.  The new garage will have 2 doors, one being 18' and the other will be 8', plus an additional 8' to get to the back yard.  The front will match our front entrance and be sandstone while the rest will be recovered bricks.  The roof will attach to the house and match with 40 year architectural shingles.  The one thing we have not decided on yet is whether to go with a flat ceiling or cathedral with opening skylights for added ventilation.  


The current garage is a side entrance and the new garage will be a forward entrance.  This is why I am going with an 18' door so I can put project cars, special toys or maybe one heck of a man cave will be in the original garage. To get a toy or vehicle into the original garage you'll have to go through the 18' door and turn to get into the original garage.  From end to end it will give me 60' and the total square footage 1,356 which does not include the 6x8 climate controlled room in the current garage. . 


The cost for the mods to the current garage with me and my son-in-law doing the work will be about $1,500.  The new garage will be closer to $40,000 +/- $5,000 once the engineer tests the current concrete to determine if it is good as is, needs to be overlayed or ripped out and replaced.   My driveway is 48' wide and that will leave us 12' paved on the side once we have the new garage in place.  I will do the interior finish work myself which is keeping the cost under $50k, plus I've done plenty before, including adding a second story on a house.  The contractors get everything exterior and the wiring up the first outlet or switch from the breaker box.    We would have saved money if the Architect who designed and built this house for himself had of made it 24' or 26' foot wide, but for whatever reason he picked an odd number by going to 25', so it causes a lot of material waste and special order items, such as trusses and such. 


If everything works out, we'll get started on the new garage in the January/February timeframe with a best case of 30 days to have it built and weather tight and worst case 120 days.  I have a couple more contractors to talk to and then the pleasure of dealing with the county on the permits.  We have a lot left to do before the first brick gets put down, but we're on the way.

Lights Night.jpeg

Lights Off.jpeg

Lights On.jpeg

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11 hours ago, 8675309'SS said:

Not gunna buff that out...


Oh sure it will....just need a REALLY big buffer lol or that 312D sitting there. Will look better than before with that thing. 


10 hours ago, ObsessedDetailer said:

Thats awesome man you have got it all planned out! I cant wait to get to see it! So jealous!


Thanks, hopefully in the next 3ish months Ill have a completed building. 

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10 hours ago, galaxy said:

I wouldn’t call it a dream garage, but it’s roomy (~26x36), well lit, clean, and laid out for year round detailing. I have plans for spring though which includes paint, new flooring, large tv, fridge, etc. 



Thats a sweet looking setup you have there. 

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Just finished my project this week (started in February!!).  Added insulation, heat, flooring and the shoe storage..and of course an area for my adams stuff!!

 Would like to thanks this forum....at some point in January i was on AF and saw some posts of the organized Adams products u guys had and wanted a clean garage to display it in.  

   Well, a budget that got tossed out the window within a week and several months later im

finally done!  (Probably need to add more lighting like Shane’s garage at some point!!)D9FB1B9B-45F6-45A2-8428-664F9F1E6EF0.thumb.jpeg.b7c16162beb1108e2581cf1f2e32918a.jpeg544BF434-14FD-4247-8650-D872F6A3DA54.thumb.jpeg.ee5212914927fdc4026765ab8d18f1e8.jpegE3D48B1E-AA59-4B91-942B-CA65EC38F979.thumb.jpeg.8b90df01738bf1e73134b4813802f5fe.jpeg

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  • 2 months later...

The Son-in-Laws brought their cars over today and we lined them up in the driveway to get a feel for how the new garage will look - scroll up a few posts and you'll see the current lighting and plans for the new garage.   I took some pictures of the vehicles lined and up and I'm convinced I'll have plenty of room for toys.   The driveway is 48 feet wide and I'm planning on adding a 36 foot garage while retaining the current one.    I think these pictures give a good perspective of what I'll up with.  Where the Truck is sitting will be left as outside with the possibility of being carport at the most.  


The first picture shows the 5 cars lined up with a pseudo front view that shows the opening to the current garage.  The second view is taken from the side to show where the from the of the garage will line up and the third pictures is aligned with the back of the hours where the back of the garage will be.   The roof will match the house and the bricks will as well.  We do know that the current concrete has to be ripped out and replaced, plus we'll have to cut the sidewalks, front and back.  

Driveway 5 wide.jpeg

Driveway 5 wide side.jpeg

Driveway 5 wide back.jpeg

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11 minutes ago, Marylander said:

Here's my old one after a tree fell on it in March. It was 12x20feet.


And here's my new one, in progress... it is 20x24 feet. 


I could not find a way to mark the previous post as a 😢 about the tree, yet a 😁about the new garage, so I'm posting this reply instead.

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24 minutes ago, Marylander said:

Here's my old one after a tree fell on it in March. It was 12x20feet.





And here's my new one, in progress... it is 20x24 feet. 20181221114530.thumb.jpg.e585cbd04194620623cde71932f662d7.jpg


Man that sucks. But if that's to scale, that's one big freakin' tree to the left!!! Might want to watch out for that one, too.

Edited by falcaineer
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8 minutes ago, falcaineer said:


Man that sucks. But if that's to scale, that's one big freakin' tree to the left!!! Might want to watch out for that one, too.

Yes, the one to the left is a beast... it's a huge white oak, estimated to be about 150 years old. Thankfully it's in great health as it's about 15 feet from my house. We keep a close eye on it and get it trimmed out as needed. In fact, the big oak prevented the falling tree from taking out our porch, too. 


And fortunately there wasn't anything too valuable in the garage when the tree hit. It crushed a little sailing dinghy I had in there, but insurance covered the boat and a good portion of the rebuilding. 

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