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Working Temperature and Humidity


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Being in the south we deal with heat and humidity and I have found that the humidity has more of an effect than the heat does on the products, especially the cure/flash time.  This has been rather noticeable with the waxes, a bit more with HGG and really affects CB 1.0 timing.   I have purchased multiple Acurite Humidity and Temperature Monitors, Model #00309SBL, to help tabulate the differences.  I have one in the room where I store my chemical's, one in the garage and one is being kept on the detail cart.    


The unit I went with is from Acurite and is Lowes #396632 and is $9.98 (plus a 10% discount if you are a veteran), here is the link at Lowes: https://www.lowes.com/pd/AcuRite-Digital-Weather-Station/1000162483


The unit tells you the high and low Humidity and Temperature for a 24 period, so you will always know how high low the conditions were for your chemicals.  The one on the detail cart will provide you the information where you are working.  Here is where I put it on my cart and a closer look of the display.


I plan on charting the timings for curing along with the temperature and humidity to get a better of idea of how many or few panels I can do at time to get a consistent product outcome.


Note to weather buffs: My PWS is KSCWESTC15 - Western West Columbia

For anyone interested, you can see the weather conditions in my back yard here:  https://www.wunderground.com/personal-weather-station/dashboard?ID=KSCWESTC15

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12 minutes ago, Rich said:

I'd go broke. You never tasted my wife's cooking!  ?



59 minutes ago, RayS said:

Being in the south we deal with heat and humidity and I have found that the humidity has more of an effect than the heat does on the products, especially the cure/flash time.  This has been rather noticeable with the waxes, a bit more with HGG and really affects CB 1.0 timing.   I have purchased multiple Acurite Humidity and Temperature Monitors, Model #00309SBL, to help tabulate the differences.  I have one in the room where I store my chemical's, one in the garage and one is being kept on the detail cart.    


The unit I went with is from Acurite and is Lowes #396632 and is $9.98 (plus a 10% discount if you are a veteran), here is the link at Lowes: https://www.lowes.com/pd/AcuRite-Digital-Weather-Station/1000162483


The unit tells you the high and low Humidity and Temperature for a 24 period, so you will always know how high low the conditions were for your chemicals.  The one on the detail cart will provide you the information where you are working.  Here is where I put it on my cart and a closer look of the display.


I plan on charting the timings for curing along with the temperature and humidity to get a better of idea of how many or few panels I can do at time to get a consistent product outcome.


Note to weather buffs: My PWS is KSCWESTC15 - Western West Columbia

For anyone interested, you can see the weather conditions in my back yard here:  https://www.wunderground.com/personal-weather-station/dashboard?ID=KSCWESTC15

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That's way more complicated then it needs to be in my book. I'm located in central Alabama so our summers are 100 degree days with 90%+ humidity. I just go one panel at a time, maybe two or three panels if its wax. 

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