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Hello from KY


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Hello!  I'm Carol, a 60 year old grandmother and registered nurse.  I've always been a little whacko OCD about my cars.  I park a mile from everything, wash and wax religiously, etc.  But, recently two things happened.  First, I bought a new Chevrolet Equinox.  (I know, it's nothing special, but it's mine...) I have always had smaller cars, but I'm engaged to be married next spring and my fiancé is 6'4", so I had to get something that he was comfortable in.  The new Equinox is dark blue, which was new for me also.  I've always had silver cars.  I suddenly became obsessed with thought of keeping this vehicle clean.  Then, the weekend after I bought the vehicle, we went to the Corvette Museum in Bowling Green KY.  They sell Adams products there, and had some videos going about proper care and it just blew me away.  I realized I'd been doing everything wrong.  :(  So, here I am, and I'm determined to learn and take really good care of this vehicle!   

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Hey Carol welcome to the detailing addiction and congrats on the new car! As someone who has owned darker color vehicles, they can be a bit more difficult to keep clean, but not impossible. The biggest thing is the two bucket wash method and a good wash mitt - this will help stop scratches and swirls forming in the clear coat and giving that spider web look in sunlight. Also a good last step product for shine and protection is a must. I recommend the ceramic boost or H20 Guard & Gloss. 

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Welcome Carol!  Most of us started in the same place you are, so feel free to ask questions.  There are lots of friendly, helpful folks on the forum to help guide you along.

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Welcome, Carol! Lots to congratulate you on!! Ask any questions you have...lots of great info and even better people on here.


And something tells me you're a good cook, so feel free to post any pics of what I'm sure are awesome Grandma-made meals here ?.

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Welcome Carol! :welcomebanner: As the others said, your in the right place! Adams products are gonna make it a lot easier to keep that OCD under control! I know from experience as I have the same issues! Plenty of knowledgeable people here who can help guide you!

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Thanks Everyone!!!  I just placed my first order.  Lots of basics...two buckets with the rolling bases, car shampoo, foam gun, etc.  I'm asking my fiance for that rolling shelf/caddy for Christmas.  LOL  We are going to clean out my garage in October, in anticipation of his moving in next year when we get married.  (Yes, this 60 year old granny is getting married...again...lol...never say never!)  He's got a Silverado that he's fairly OCD about, so I'm sure we will have lots of good times working on our vehicles.  He's more into working on his engine and keeping it detailed, and he has a huge red tool box that is coming soon to my garage.  My garage is already pretty spiffy, for a woman's garage, but I'm excited to make it even more special with my detailing products.  


I have to admit that I felt pretty ill equipped to do the corrections that my brand new vehicle needed.  It was very scratchy in areas.  I also wanted a ceramic coat.  So, I'm getting that done at a local detail shop.  I researched the h*ll out of all the local shops, and the one I'm using has nothing but 5 star reviews, has been in business a long time, does all the fancy cars in this area, and I met with their shop manager (a woman who is in my age range!!!  Retired from the KY Toyota factory!) and was so impressed.  So, I'm taking it in for today.  Hope I made the right decision, but I just didn't feel like I had the skills (yet) or the time to do it myself.  


And during my meeting with the shop manager, she asked if I wanted a job there.  LOLOLOL  Gosh, I would love to intern at a detail shop!!!  Maybe I have a new career to explore when I retire from transplant nursing in a few years!!!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Welcome to the forum Carol! I can relate to you as well. I park far from everything and everyone. During the first two weeks that i bought my Ford Fusion, i ended up with a bunch of scratches and dents. There were also some paint chips. I stumbled upon Adam's products from a friend of mine and ever since then i been hooked. It's been costly as well. 

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