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Using Adams Polishes on Tractor



Hi All -


I have a couple of John Deere tractors that have molded green plastic \ composite hoods and fenders. There are fine scratches in them and they are not as shiny as they could be. Are there adams products and process to restore these composite components and get a brilliant scratch free shine on them?


I have used adams products to restore my Weber grill - came out like new. But that is painted metal and stainless. These tractors are mostly all plastics and composites.


Please offer any suggestions on how to get these tractors back to like new.


Thank you

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I have a JD tractor too, at first I use to worry about scratches, but just ended up accepting that its a tractor.  I would however like to ceramic it, so as to help keep the plastic and paint from fading over time.  I generally use wash and wax, and sometimes G&G.  Sorry but I don't have any advice on polishing plastic though

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 It depends on what year and finish your JD tractors have. Some of them, the more recent years are molded in color with a clear coat finish. These can be cleaned and waxed and even machine polished using same products as a clear coated car. 

 Older years with the molded in plastic color hoods are not clear coated. They are best polished with products designed for plastic or plexiglass polishing. I've had great luck using  Novus brand polish. Steps one and two usually do the trick.  You can usually find Novus products at your local Harley Davidson dealer. They use it for the plexiglass windscreens. Makes them look new again ?


 If you are talking the real old stuff as in painted metal. If it's a factory finish still. Then just treat it like you would any single stage paint. 

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8 hours ago, buffalobob920 said:

Hello what is the best way to get out a melted blow pop lollipop on the interior car Carpet 


Three licks?! Oh, wait, that's a Tootsie pop. 


Recommend you ask this in the interior section to get more visibility; a tractor thread isn't the first place I'd look for this advice! But I would think a steamer would be a good place to start. You may then be able to move to the CUC and/or Multi Purpose Foaming Cleaner.

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1 hour ago, falcaineer said:


Three licks?! Oh, wait, that's a Tootsie pop. 


Recommend you ask this in the interior section to get more visibility; a tractor thread isn't the first place I'd look for this advice! But I would think a steamer would be a good place to start. You may then be able to move to the CUC and/or Multi Purpose Foaming Cleaner.

My bad ? 

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