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Issues with rags/detail spray



Hey guys,

So the past few months I’ve noticed that whenever I spray detail spray on my bike or truck and I use a microfiber to rub it off, lint sticks to either like glue. The only way to then get it off is use waterless wash or rewash. I have washed them numerous times, and I have also tried using brand new ones out of a bag, and same thing. Wtf is going on!? 

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Washing machine with laundry detergent, NO softener, and dry on low to almost no heat in the dryer with a lint sheet to remove the lint. And that is all after letting everything sit in a bucket in the strong Adam’s microfiber revitalizer. 

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38 minutes ago, mjshaw130 said:

Washing machine with laundry detergent, NO softener, and dry on low to almost no heat in the dryer with a lint sheet to remove the lint. And that is all after letting everything sit in a bucket in the strong Adam’s microfiber revitalizer. 


What sort of laundry detergent? Do you use MRB in the wash, too? It can be used by itself. And as @joelilton23 said, it may also be the lint sheet.


When is the last time you clayed/deconed?


Check out this article on the proper way to take care of your towels.



Edited by falcaineer
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Definitely no lint sheets in the dryer, they will clog the fibers like fabric softener. Just dry them on low/delicate with nothing else except other MF towels. I hope you are also washing them separate from other types of towels and clothing. Those towels may have been compromised. Best to get a few new towels and wash and dry them properly first and see if you get the same results. The MRB is really a great product if you are washing MF towels regularly and well worth the investment in a gallon.

Edited by Editguy
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