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Pumpkin Spice Interior Detailer Not Smelling Right

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3 hours ago, Bcarr2000 said:

Is it just me or does the interior detailer not smell like pumpkin spice? I just received my order today and the interior detailer smells nothing like the detail spray. It has straight chemical smell than pumpkin spice.

The air freshener smells like popcorn to me....buttered popcorn...weird. 

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I thought both the DS and IDS smell similar; maybe one was a little stronger than the other or had some subtle differences but still very similar. I haven't used them yet, just based on taking whiff's from the bottle.

It's my understanding that some products sold out pretty quickly and they had to whip up another batch, so it's possible that different batches came out a little different. You also may want to try shaking up the bottle good. Not sure if settling could effect the scent, but maybe?

Edited by rseward
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