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Customer Service 866.965.0400

Checking in from Corona, CA


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Hi all,


I don't recall exactly how I came across Adam's products, but I think it was a YouTube video about a guy doing a no-touch wash on his black Mercedes in full sun with no spots.  He was using the Foam Canon and Car Shampoo, along with a Metro drier (albeit the small handheld one).  I already had a Metro Air Force Blaster that I use on my motorcycle, but I was intrigued by the shampoo and Foam Canon, so I went online to the Adams website and placed my first order for almost $200 worth of stuff.


I was officially bitten by the Adam's bug.


I then followed that order up with another several orders, and then some more.  All in all, I've spent almost $2k with Adam's in the past few months (a big part of that was their Landa commercial electric pressure washer to replace my gas powered one -- I wanted the same volume/pressure without annoying my neighbors with the gas engine noise each Saturday morning).


I can't give enough props to Adam's customer service -- there have been a (very) few hiccups with orders, but they've always gone far above and beyond in making things right (and then some)...


Anyway, Adam's has another customer for life!

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