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Why don't the hex applicators come sealed?

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Give it a wash when you get it and put it in plastic if you feel the need. I personally just keep mine in a plastic tote and have not had any problems. I dont understand this latest thing of everything needing to be in plastic, you dont reseal each towel after each use into individual bags do you? 

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40 minutes ago, pirahnah3 said:

Give it a wash when you get it and put it in plastic if you feel the need. I personally just keep mine in a plastic tote and have not had any problems. I dont understand this latest thing of everything needing to be in plastic, you dont reseal each towel after each use into individual bags do you? 

No, once I posses a product I know where it's been and how it was handled.  I'd like to know the hex I just received wasn't accidentally dropped and rolling around on a warehouse floor. I shouldn't have to wash a new product for piece of mind.

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They've never been packed. Always loose. And in 15 or 16 years of using them, I've never once had an issue.  But I guess if enough people complain about it, they'll raise the price and add packaging.

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8 hours ago, Editguy said:

I just don't like the concept that something I'm going to rub directly on my paint doesn't come protected and sealed in plastic. 


I understand it would give that feeling of being “clean”, but it’s not like they would sanitize them before packaging; and the manufacturing process isn’t exacly clean.

The same potential of contamination exists prior to packaging.

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I just find it odd they wrap the pads for the swirl killers but not the hex pads. I'm not asking they come sanitized or in a fancy package, just some cheap plastic to offer basic protection during shipping and handling. Just giving Adam's my feedback. To each his own...

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Back what about 2-3 years ago everything came repacked by Adams into just plain clear ziplock bags, towels were all hand folded and put in them on the shipping floor. 


I understand your theory Bill, however the process when you get the item is still the same. Manufacturing and shipping TOO Adams is not clean, and they are not getting washed before shipment. Wash your items and then you get exactly what your looking for the knowledge that its clean and ready to go. Everyone recomends washing microfiber towels before use, to me its anything that shows up, not just Adams. I wont wear clothing without cleaning it, I wont use a mouse or keyboard without giving it a quick wipe with some gentle cleaner, I dont use any new dishware, pots, pans, whatever without washing. Why should my Adams products be any different? Just offers better protection, you never know what has come in contact with things along the way. 

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