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Worx Hydroshot and foam cannon?

aj's sierra


So I recently moved to an apartment where I don't have access to a hose. I already have sealed buckets that I prep before going to the self service, but I'm wanting something more convenient. I just ordered the hydroshot and already have a foam cannon, was just curious if anyone has tried these together and if so how it did. Also I have an ik foaming sprayer, it gets the job done but I'd much rather use the foam cannon.

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First, welcome!


If you havent looked into them, Adam's Waterless Wash and Rinseless Wash are perfect for your situation. Don't forget the towels! You can also dilute RW 16:1 for a waterless wash-like solution at a much more economical price point. But it doesn't smell as good as the WW, IMO.


Where you at in WV? I was born and raised there. Be sure to post an intro in the new member forum so we can all welcome you properly! Especially Mountaineers!!

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25 minutes ago, falcaineer said:

First, welcome!


If you havent looked into them, Adam's Waterless Wash and Rinseless Wash are perfect for your situation. Don't forget the towels! You can also dilute RW 16:1 for a waterless wash-like solution at a much more economical price point. But it doesn't smell as good as the WW, IMO.


Where you at in WV? I was born and raised there. Be sure to post an intro in the new member forum so we can all welcome you properly! Especially Mountaineers!!

I have rinseless and love it. I was just wanting this for when it's a little too dirty for that. But I'm in Morgantown cheers beers and eers!

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I have the Hydroshot, the quick connect on the end of mine looks like it is "Keyed" not totally round, so without owning a foam cannon, I'm not sure it will fit.  Also, it is only rated at 300psi i think, so might not be strong enough.  I bought a second battery for mine as one battery can barely make two passes of my Avalanche, 2x5gal buckets.


My winter wash with it consists of:


Creating a mixture of soapy water in a spray bottle and after getting it first wet and knocking off the heavy salt in winter, spray it down with the soapy water, let dwell then rinse with multiple buckets of water.  Depending if the weather looks good in the future or if we are going somewhere special, I'll do a rinseless in the garage and HGG top off  of the sealant.



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If you're talking about the hydroshot's own foam cannon attachment then it does foam.  I have the combo and it's comparable to a foam gun but not the actual 1800+ psi pressure washer foam cannon type of foam.

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