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I moved from CA to AZ. It was supposed to rain as I was trailing my 76 corvette to AZ. Since it was forecast to rain and older Vetts leak like a sieve I covered the glass and roof with a thick plastic and used painter take so as to not to ruin the car. Well it didn't realize the plastic came loose and beat on the car and left an ugly film imbedded on the surface.. Im thinking originally I need to wet sand to fix. Does Adams have a polish that may keep me from going the sanding route? Sorry about the lighting its hard with todays weather. The brown polish at the local store took a small amount off. Nothing more.



Edited by rayluka
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First, welcome! Go post an into on the new member forum to tell us more about you and show off the beauty!


That really doesn't look too bad, more surface scratches, but maybe it's worse than I can tell. Adam's heaviest correction method is the Heavy Correcting Compound and blue/white microfiber pad. However, the general rule here is to start least aggressive first. I'm not familiar with older Vette paint...I'm sure many others on here are, though, and will add their inputs...but it may not need anything more than the orange Correcting Polish and orange foam pad. Consider that the mid-range correcting merhod. For the record, the white Finishing polish and white foam pad is the least aggressive, but it may not make too much of a difference. 


What tools do you have at your disposal? Polishers, in other words.

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I agree with Falcaineer. Start with the least amount of correction and slowly work up from there. If this has a softer clear coat, it may need nothing more than an orange pad and the corresponding correction polish. If you have a machine for your polishing work, use it. If not, consider one in the near future. It will make detailing your car easier and more pleasurable.

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