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Detailing courses


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Not sure if this is the right place but just wondering if anyone knows of or has any information on detailing courses that are offered. I am retired military and have my G.I. Bill so if there is a course I could use that on that would be preferred. Thanks for the help guys. 

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2 hours ago, s_rhoden said:

Not sure if this is the right place but just wondering if anyone knows of or has any information on detailing courses that are offered. I am retired military and have my G.I. Bill so if there is a course I could use that on that would be preferred. Thanks for the help guys. 

Thank you for your service and for bringing forth a good idea.  I still have a lot left on my G. I. Bill, so a credited course could be the ticket for using it.

Edited by RayS
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Thank you for your service. I don’t know of any true accredited detailer courses. The IDA certification is really a self study exam as opposed to a course. 


You could always find an experienced detailer/shop in your area and ask them. I know myself and my guys would be happy to train someone with the desire to learn. 

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3 hours ago, GXPaycheck said:

Where are you located?

There’s  a great company here in Raleigh that teaches detailing and I believe you come out IDA certified. 

IDA certification is an exam and then a course validatation. They probably offer the validation portion and some in class studying. 

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This is on FB, for what it’s worth. Don’t know if I’m legal to post it but I’ll find out!



Look a few pics down. They are having an IDA certification course. 

Its a great training center. I’ve done one seminar there already. 

Edited by GXPaycheck
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On 9/30/2018 at 5:36 PM, shane@detailedreflections said:

Thank you for your service. I don’t know of any true accredited detailer courses. The IDA certification is really a self study exam as opposed to a course. 


You could always find an experienced detailer/shop in your area and ask them. I know myself and my guys would be happy to train someone with the desire to learn. 



Shane I have actually been thinking of getting ahold of you. It’s been busy as all heck I’m my household lately. I would love to pick your brain and learn some things. I will try to give you a call at your shop sometime next week. 

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@s_rhodenThere are other detailing supply companies that hold 'road show' classes, along with some 'boot camps' at their Florida location.  The RUPES staff offer courses at their headquarters, but not sure of their schedules.  And another very large detailing supply manufacturer has classes in their California headquarters.  Not sure of your location, so these may or may not work for you.

And Shane mentioned the IDA - they may have information on detailing classes.  I know the current IDA president offers them in his Florida shop. 

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