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ISO new in packaging 2016 PS Orange MF

coral farmer

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Is there anything you are looking for?  I have undercarriage spray, 2018 PS MF towel, wheel cleaner, grey borderless MF, edgeless MF towel, grey wash mitt, ultra plush drying towel.  That's just off the top of my head, I'll have to check my inventory at when I get off work.

Edited by coral farmer
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30 minutes ago, coral farmer said:

Is there anything you are looking for?  I have undercarriage spray, 2018 PS MF towel, wheel cleaner, grey borderless MF, edgeless MF towel, grey wash mitt, ultra plush drying towel.  That's just off the top of my head, I'll have to check my inventory at when I get off work.

I went back and looked. None of mine are still in packaging but they’ve been in rubber containers and unused. Don’t know if you’d still want them or not. 

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