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Looking for suggestions for wall coverings/treatments...


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I'm hoping the masses will be able to weigh in on the subject. 


I've been making plans to remodel the meeting room, office & bathroom in my firehouse.  Currently the walls are covered with 1980's paneling that has been painted over a few times.  It's not in great shape, it's warped and buckled there and there, but it does ok.  The remodel will also update the floors and ceiling. 


I want to update the walls, but I have no idea what to use.  What I don't want to use is drywall and maybe paneling.  We use the meeting room from time to time as a training room, so the walls are prone to getting hit, nicks, dents, etc.  If I was to use drywall, I will be spending more time patching it than what I want to.


Any suggestions on what to cover the walls with?  I want the rooms to look clean, professional, up to date, like it has been well taken care of and a source of pride in the department.  



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There are also other options at Home Depot, Lowes and most big box hardware stores.  One of the advantages to the PVC or solid sheet designs is that they are easily washed. 


For the meeting room, you can even get the sheets that designed to be white board and you can get them through Staples and few other places.   You might want to check the cost, since it may be less expensive to put up less expensive solid sheets and then use the white board wall paper.

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