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Adams Cleaning Products for the House!

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Just placed my 3rd order this week, yes I have a problem!  I was thinking, I enjoy detailing my car on a daily basis. I don’t get that same joy when I clean the house.  A big reason for that is the products. Does anyone else wish they had Adams products when they are cleaning up around the house.  Imagine cleaning  wood floors or bathrooms with the quality and scents we’ve all grown to love. I would even use detail spray body wash!!!Just an idea. But I hope it actually happens!! Much love from NYC. Keep up the great work!!!

Edited by SoFreshSoClean
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We use detail spray and Interior Detailer throughout the house. With out Husky hair can get everywhere and it helps it not to stick to everything. It's what always happens to the special editions when they come out, the wife either grabs them or tells me to order them (who am I to tell her no to making an Adams order?) for the house


We also use glass cleaner, Brilliant Glaze and some OG all purpose cleaner in the bathroom a lot 


Have used foaming cleaner on the couches and use leather conditioner on the wife's purse a couple times 

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6 hours ago, SoFreshSoClean said:

Wow. Awesome thanks. I’ve seen those labels a million times just didn’t realize that those were created for the kitchen. Now I have to order those too?!!!

No need to order them, from what I can tell they are detail spray, waterless wash, and ceramic boost with a different label on them.  I don't think they changed the formula at all.

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There are few threads about alternate uses for the products and few are mentioned in this thread, so I'll add my favorites.


Brilliant Glaze for Mirrors, Stainless Steel Appliances

Oder Neutralizer everyplace

Glass Cleaner for Windows, Light fixtures, Ceiling Fans

Ceramic Boost for the wash basins, especially in the bathroom

Glass Sealant, Glass Boost for Shower Doors

Detail Spray for the Ceramic Tiles on the shower walls - Don't get it on the floor, it will be very slippery

APC for the chrome and brass faucets


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