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Did I Do Something Wrong?



Got the new ride, and spent a few hours or 5 detailing her.  These are the steps I went through:


Iron Remover



Revive Polish

Paint Sealant (wait one hour before next step)

Brillant Glaze


Tire shine.


Looked great afterward.  


Here is my problem, the next few days straight here yielded multiple inches of rain (a colleague of mine said we got 6” ).


This is my daily driver and unfortunately for now sits outside so it was exposed to all the elements and rain.  I came out to this the first morning it wasn’t raining.


Was it something I did, or just a byproduct of getting hammered with rain over consecutive days?


I have since cleaned it up with VRT, and it looks good again, but wondering if I need to apply wax again or repeat steps?




Edited by Tbone76
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Hard to tell in the pic exactly where this is, but it looks like VRT streaking across paint. Could be unpainted plastic too, either way I don't think you did anything wrong. I had a 2013 Explorer for a while and the lower plastic was bad for this, I believe due to a slight excess of product getting hung up along the top edge of the plastic. Only thing I could recommend is to knock any VRT or tire shine down with an edgeless grey after application to make sure there is no excess product.

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2 hours ago, Tbone76 said:

Got the new ride, and spent a few hours or 5 detailing her.  These are the steps I went through:


Iron Remover



Revive Polish

Paint Sealant (wait one hour before next step)

Brillant Glaze


Tire shine.


Looked great afterward.  


Here is my problem, the next few days straight here yielded multiple inches of rain (a colleague of mine said we got 6” ).


This is my daily driver and unfortunately for now sits outside so it was exposed to all the elements and rain.  I came out to this the first morning it wasn’t raining.


Was it something I did, or just a byproduct of getting hammered with rain over consecutive days?


I have since cleaned it up with VRT, and it looks good again, but wondering if I need to apply wax again or repeat steps?




No. Nothing you did was wrong. I did the same thing to my Escape. lower part of the car is that same plastic and i cant remember what i had applied to it but i do remember coming out the next day after it had been wet and probably rainy and it was streaked. Probably just needs to be left to sit and dry longer but its okay dont stress it 

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Nothing wrong at all, thou there is a long argument of where to put Brilliant glaze in the process, Personally I like it under the Paint Sealant due to filler properties, in this scenario I would have put it either below the paint sealant or above the wax as in between it is not going to offer much protection or shine. 


As for what you see in the photo, it looks almost more like dirt from between the two pieces you can see there. I do not see VRT mentioned so I do not think that is streaking, which is will in the rain when it is fairly newly applied. I would just hit it with some waterless or detail spray and see what happens. It could also be as simple as road dirt/grime and such coming up when your driving (Assuming you were out driving it in the rain). 


You mention that the car now sits outside in all of the weather. Your choices for protection are great for it, but you will find that they will not always hold up as long as others see here just due to conditions that you are keeping the car in. Nothing wrong with it, just dont expect ultra long life from your finishes. That said you will most likely be having to clean and polish more frequently anyways to maintain that finish and will reapply these finishes more often accordingly. 


One last thing, you might want to consider looking at H2O Guard and Gloss for more day to day protection as it is quicker and easier to apply while offering months of protection even with being a daily. I personally use it on my work truck in the winter to be able to just quickly clean it up when the weather allows up here in the north east. 

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Thank you guys for all the information.  The lower plastic was hit with some VRT on the initial detail.  Wasn’t sure if it was wax from all the rain coming off, VRT, or what.  


The fiance and and I have a moratorium on buying things so not to eliminate Christmas ideas, but G&G is in the perverbial shopping cart.


Granted, you can never have to much supply, so I may go ahead and order anyway!


Would it be counterproductive to put glaze on top of the Americana?

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14 hours ago, Tbone76 said:

Thank you guys for all the information.  The lower plastic was hit with some VRT on the initial detail.  Wasn’t sure if it was wax from all the rain coming off, VRT, or what.  


The fiance and and I have a moratorium on buying things so not to eliminate Christmas ideas, but G&G is in the perverbial shopping cart.


Granted, you can never have to much supply, so I may go ahead and order anyway!


Would it be counterproductive to put glaze on top of the Americana?


Not at all! Apply and watch it shine! Just be aware the BG doesn't last all that long. Talking a week, give or take. Bad weather = much less longevity.

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Yup VRT run is what it appears to be then. 


Order it up! Def applying the BG over the Americana will give you some awesome shine...and try it on your glass for more fun....


Also, its Adams products, if you have the room get more. 

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Thanks guys, I appreciate it.


Went ahead and went over the trim with a touch of VRT, and it looks good again.


I asked this in another thread, but now going back a forth between G&G, CB, or Spray Wax.  Got some decent input and a video that I still need to watch 

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The HGG and CB will give you the longest lasting protection of those 3, so it's really up to you. Try one, then in a month or so from now go with the other. Or do them side by side and compare for next time. While I'm partial to HGG, you really can't go wrong.

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I have done vehicles with the original HGG and another with CB 1.0 and now one with CB 2.0.   Between HGG and CB 1.0, the HGG was easier to work with.  The longevity was pretty much the same and both vehicles looked great.  CB 2.0 closed the gap with HGG for ease of use and now I need to try the new HGG to see if there are any substantial differences with it.   In my opinion, if you received one or the other in a mystery box, use it, you can’t got wrong.  Just follow the directions and you will have good protection for a reasonable amount of time.

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